29 found
  1.  44
    A Modular Course in Introductory Philosophy.J. T. Moore - 1979 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (1):83-92.
  2.  30
    Alfarabi on the Meaning of Philosophy.J. T. Moore - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (2):179-191.
  3.  23
    British Analytical Philosophy.J. T. Moore - 1968 - International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (4):637-638.
  4.  60
    Beyond Marx and Mach: Aleksandr Bogdanov's.J. T. Moore - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):280-281.
  5.  11
    Locke's Analysis of Language and the Assent to Scripture.J. T. Moore - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (4):707.
  6.  46
    Locke’s Concept of Religious Assent.J. T. Moore - 1977 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):25-30.
  7.  37
    Locke’s Development from Conservative to Liberal on Toleration.J. T. Moore - 1979 - International Studies in Philosophy 11:59-75.
  8. Locke on Assent and Toleration.J. T. Moore - 1991 - In Richard Ashcraft (ed.), John Locke: critical assessments. New York: Routledge.
  9.  45
    Locke on the Moral Need for Christianity.J. T. Moore - 1980 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):61-68.
  10.  47
    Philosophy in the Classroom.J. T. Moore - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (3/4):393-395.
  11. Set Mapping Reflection. Journal of Mathematical Logic.J. T. Moore - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):322-325.
  12.  53
    Book Review:Two Tracts on Government. John Locke. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1968 - Ethics 78 (4):319-.
  13.  27
    "Between Hume and Mill: An Anthology of British Philosophy, 1749-1843," edited with Introduction by Robert Brown. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 49 (1):61-63.
  14.  31
    "Existentialism," by Mary Warnock. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (2):171-174.
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  15.  51
    Existential Marxism in Postwar France. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1977 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 52 (2):208-209.
  16.  29
    "Hegel's Concept of Experience," by Martin Heidegger. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (3):267-270.
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  17.  33
    Issues in Marxist Philosophy: Volume 2, Materialism. Edited by John Mepham and D-H. Ruben. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 59 (3):227-229.
  18.  35
    Issues in Marxist Philosophy. Volume One: Dialectics and Method. Edited by John Mepham and David-Hillel Rubin. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 59 (2):149-150.
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  19.  61
    John Locke: Prophet of Common Sense. By M. V. C. Jeffreys. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (2):175-176.
  20.  58
    Jaroslav Pelikan, "The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine." Vol. I: "The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition ". [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (3):358.
  21.  53
    Kierkegaard as Educator. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1978 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 53 (2):229-231.
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  22.  46
    "Kierkegaard's Existential Ethics," by George J. Stack. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 55 (2):217-218.
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  23.  27
    Marx and Teilhard: Two Ways to a New Humanity. By Richard Lischer. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1981 - Modern Schoolman 58 (3):198-201.
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  24.  31
    "Robert Owen: Report to the County of Lanark and A New View of Society," ed. and introd. V. A. C. Gatrell. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (3):280-282.
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  25.  25
    Richard Schacht, "Hegel and After: Studies in Continental Philosophy between Kant and Sartre". [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1978 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (2):238.
  26.  36
    "Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy," vol. 4, ed. John K. Ryan. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 50 (1):137-137.
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  27.  43
    The Art of Deception. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (1):72-74.
  28.  38
    "The Library of John Locke," by John Harrison and Peter Laslett. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1967 - Modern Schoolman 44 (3):277-280.
  29.  48
    "The Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle," by Alfarabi, trans. Muhsin Muhdi. [REVIEW]J. T. Moore - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 41 (1):104-104.